In what seems the ultimate act of betrayal on a former workplace, a former Mercedes factory worker reportedly maintained his rage for several years after being terminated from his employment. Shortly...
Tag - plant incidents
A mineworker has died from tragic injuries after being struck by plant at the Westgold (ASX: WGX) Big Bell Gold mine in Western Australia. According to available information, a female mineworker...
The NSW mine safety regulator has reported an incident where a long reach digger lost control of a machine due to soft ground when cleaning out a sediment pit. While the operator was not injured, the...
Another mineworker has been crushed by a hydraulic staircase on a dozer after regulators found that a range of issues associated with wiring modifications that resulted in an unexpected staircase...
The NSW Resources Regulator has released details of a February 2020 incident that occurred at the Peabody Energy Wilpinjong Coal mine where an operator fell from the third or fourth step of the lower...
A worker has been left with serious injuries following a safety incident at the Heron Resources Woodlawn mine near Tarago in New South Wales. According to the NSW Resources Regulator, the worker was...
A recent incident at a NSW mine has re-inforced the requirement for safety management plans when mine personnel and equipment are operating around bodies of water. In the latest ‘body of...
Worksafe Victoria mining safety regulator has reported a near-miss with a counterweight at a mine site. According to the regulator, a 20-tonne counterweight fell approximately 30 metres from its...
AMSJ have received unofficial reports of another BMA Digger ‘high potential incident’ in this past week at its Caval Ridge site 17 km south of Moranbah. AMSJ believes that the Caterpillar...
While travelling down a haul road, a small fire started in the drive shaft of a dump truck. The driver of the truck travelling behind asked the driver to pull over and advised the driver that there...